Our Bouquet of the Day is carefully crafted with the freshest and most vibrant flowers. Unlike traditional floral arrangements that remain constant over time, our Bouquet of the Day is specifically created with a new combination of flowers, colors, and textures every day. This means that each bouquet of the day is unique making your bouquet truly special and one-of-a-kind.

To Purchase Our Daily Bouquet:

  • Choose the size and style: Our Daily Bouquets come in various sizes and styles to suit your preferences.

  • Provide delivery details: We provide free delivery T-F to Southington and surrounding towns.* Let us know where you would like your Daily Bouquet to be delivered to bring fresh floral beauty right to your doorstep or the recipient's location.

  • We source our flowers fresh so please allow for 2 -3 days to process and deliver an order.

  • Enjoy the surprise: Sit back, relax, and anticipate the arrival of your Daily Bouquet!

*Southington, Plainville, Meriden, New Britain, Avon, Farmington, Wethersfield, Rocky Hill,